Standard circular saw blades
High-quality EDN (Ernst D. Neuhaus Wuppertal) circular saw blades from German quality production. Universally applicable in solid wood and panel materials. HM-tipped alternating teeth. Saw blades for 30 mm shaft mounting.
We also supply the well-known GUHDO saw blades. Please inform yourself about this on the manufacturer's website www.guhdo.de or also at the always changing promotions, which you can find under our category promotions.
Cheap GUHDO cutting saw blade from stock overstock while supplies last: Guhdo-HW-Saw blade 280 x 3,4/2,2x30 Z28W LWZ 3, CNL with 28 HM alternating teeth and deflectors, ideal for cutting work. Ordering option sh. below while stocks last!
Product variants
Part number
Net price
Gross price
EDN HM alternating tooth circular saw blade UW D=250mm, 40 teeth, SB=3,2mm
EDN 250/40
65,80 €
78,30 €
EDN HM alternating tooth circular saw blade KW D=300mm, 72 teeth, SB=3,2mm also veneer cutting
EDN 300/72
85,50 €
101,75 €